Friday, November 30, 2012

Kinda stuck right now!

Everything, everyone, including you gets affected by what you say and do. Probably everyone knows that, however did you know that at times it can be the most hurting, uncomfortable, clueless situation you can be in especially when the weight is upon you to take action. And what makes it sad is the fact you can’t just quite figure out exactly what to do yet. All you know and see is the people around you that are closest to you are the most affected. You almost want to panic and do something about it, but then wisdom reminds you to wait, use patience, and that at the end of the circumstance you will look back and not regret you used patience. How long will it last, can anyone else understand, is there someone out there able to overlook my actions and stand up for me? Sometimes I often wondering why is this road so solitary, very few walk through it, and you can’t mention it, and at times they never know how much you really done because it was never meant for them to know. If anything I know, I know this, at the end of it all it will be worth passing through because then, and only then will all come to understanding, rejuvenation, “The Joy that comes in the Morning”. So until then I will hold on and fight.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monstrous feelings…ROAR!

When one begins to see another perspective, indicating that yes you might have been right in your mind but to another person you are wrong, makes you feel like such a monster. And to make it clear it’s not about who is right and who is wrong, but what is for the best, what is for love, what your faith is, and moral.

As I listened I started to notice that in their perspective I was wrong. You see, we think that we are doing right all this time but to find out all this time you didn’t come across as you intended just makes you feel like such a monster. And it’s not that I am not certain of what I believed to be right but just that the other person has just a valid concern as well. Yes, this has made me feel like such a monster.

I never like to hurt anyone, but it does happen. Then you question, if I feel like a monster, have I actually become just that? With no response back of hope from the other person, what else can you do? Upturn my love, change my ways, swallow my pride, and hope the other person is still willing to receive you. Talk about having to wake up and smell the coffee…..I refuse to feel like a monster and even more becoming one.